What is Cryotherapy and what does it treat?
The CryoPen® is an advanced cryotherapy innovation that is a quick, effective, safe solution for removal of benign skin lesions.
The CryoPen is a perfect treatment for:
- Pigmentation
- Age spots
- Skin tags
- Milia
- Warts
- Cherry angioma
- Viral verrucae
How does the CryoPen® work?
The medical grade CryoPen® emits a very fine targeted jet of nitrous oxide under high pressure, enabling your doctor to work with very fine precision. The tissue is destroyed by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, with formation of ice crystals. This leads to rupture of the cell membrane and destroying the cell. That means there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue, and minimal risk of scarring.
What can I expect from a CryoPen® treatment?
The treatment takes a few seconds per lesion. There might be a little stinging for a few minutes after treatment. There will be an area of flushing around the lesion for a couples of hours and you will experience an itching or stinging sensation for a few minutes after the treatment. This is caused by a histamine reaction around the treated area. A blister may form around the treated area that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
We recommend a follow-up visit after 2 to 4 weeks to confirm that all pathological tissue has disappeared and whether a follow-up treatment is necessary.
The CryoPen® treatment has five main benefits over other treatments;
- CryoPen® therapy takes far less time; with treatment sessions lasting less than 2 minutes.
- No Anaesthesia is required and it is almost painless (little stinging for a few minutes after the treatment)
- It is one of the least invasive lesion treatments in the market
- The CryoPen® treatment is used to remove nearly any benign skin lesion
- The CryoPen® is the market leader!
Is there anything I should be mindful of?
- Healing can be prolonged in anyone struggling with a poor immune system, auto-immunity or with diabetes, so please be sure to alert your doctor if you have any known immune problems or diabetes.
- The skin underneath a treated lesion can be pale in comparison to surrounding tissue, particularly in tanned skin. In the majority of cases, the skin tone will even out, but hypopigmentation in the area is possible.
- Melanoma and recurrent basal cell carcinomas cannot be treated with CryoPen.
Aftercare recommendations:
- Try to leave the treated area uncovered and dry.
- Avoid removing the crust or scab that may form over a treated area.
- In some cases, crusting or scabbing may take a few weeks to fall off, and you are advised to just be patient as working the scab off can lead to scarring.
- Please contact your doctor if a blister continues to weep more than 14 days after rupture.
- Be careful to use a good quality sun protection cream (SPF 50) in any area that has been treated until the skin tone is the same as the surrounding skin.
- Many larger or thicker lesions, particularly verrucae, warts and actinic keratosis, will need a second or even third treatment.
Handling a blister: In case a blister occurs it should settle on its own, so don’t pop it. If it starts to weep, then you should clean the area carefully and apply an antiseptic cream to the area and cover it to avoid constant irritation. If it feels tender, and doesn’t appear to be healing quickly, then contact your doctor to have a look.
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Mole Screening:
Before a mole can be treated, it needs to be assessed by a dermatologist and a letter confirming it is safe to treat.
This can be done through your GP but due to the long waiting list, it can become frustrating.
Due to this we have teamed up with UK Consultant Dermatologists to provide a digital mole review service.
You come into our clinic, we have a specialist dermatoscope that we can use to take detailed pictures to send to a group of Dermatologists, that along with a short questionnaire we fill out with you will assess the mole and send you and ourselves a report on it.
If the Dermatologists are happy it just being a standard mole we can safely remove it with our Cryopen.
This is a private service and is not through the NHS, so there is a chargeable amount. Please see below.
Prices for the Cryopen treatment:
Small Lesions
(less than 2mm)
- Skin Tags
- Pigmentation
- Sun/Age Spots
- Milia
- Cherry Angiomas
1-2 Lesions £50.00
Up to 3 Lesions £70.00
After each £20
Medium Lesions
(more than 3mm)
Larger Skin Tags
Sun & Age Spots
1-2 Lesions £60.00
Up to 3 Lesions £80.00
After each £25
Warts & Verrucas
First Treatment £45.00
May need 3 or 6 treatments
Follow-up Treatment £25
Digital Mole Review
Up to 3 moles £70.00
For any additional moles it is £35
You will need to come into the clinic for the review and a report will be sent to you from one of our leading consultant dermatologists.